Job search - peer groups

Improve your job search - join a job search peer group!

Peer groups provide support and up-to-date information for job search. The topics of the groups include, for example, identifying your own skills, improving your job search skills, job interviews and your own well-being in job search.

Peer groups are part of the job search support activities of Akava associations. Groups are free for our members.


Rekrybooster is a peer program for job search online, where you will receive a three to six-week program designed by career coaches and the best tips to support your job search. You can share your successes and disappointments in your job search in your group, get encouragement and feedback, as well as new perspectives and energy for your job search.

From CareerBoost / Rekrybooster you will get:

  • A virtual work community and time and place to implement job search, share experiences and learn together
  • Tips for identifying your strengths and clarifying your own skills
  • Peer support for planned and efficient job search
  • Tools to take care of your well-being
  • Common, regular Q&A meetings for all groups led by a career coach

Our members who are unemployed or at risk of unemployment throughout Finland are welcome to the peer group that is implemented online.


Oletko Pohjois-Suomessa asuva jäsenemme ja kiinnostunut kehittymään urallasi sekä oppimaan uravalmennuksen eri teemoista? Haluatko lisätä työmarkkinatietouttasi ja kehittää digitaitojasi? Näihin aiheisiin paneudutaan maksuttomin verkkokoulutuksin, webinaarein ja lähitilaisuuksin Optimum-hankkeen tiimoilta. 

Optimum - palvelua työnhakijoille ja työssäkäyville 

  • runsaasti tukea oman osaamisen tunnistamiseen
  • oppeja työnhakutaitojen hiomiseen ja valmiita materiaaleja käytettäväksi
  • vinkkejä urasunnitteluun ja työnhakuun