Guest column: The best student life, together

Jenny Hieto
I am Jenny Hieto and I was born in Hämeenlinna. At the moment I'm still living in Lahti, where I completed my business administration studies. In high school, I often thought that choosing where to study was one of the most difficult decisions in life - there are more choices than clothes in your wardrobe. I also had the idea in my own little head that this choice would determine the rest of my life and there was no turning back.
My own path to a BBA degree was largely driven by my own personality and character. I have always been a person who enjoys being around other people, can create meaningful interactions regardless of the environment or people, and enjoy negotiation and compromise. I had already gained work experience in a variety of different sales roles. My enthusiasm for my job was raised each time I managed to make a profit through additional sales or positive customer feedback. The social and health care field was also on a high school-aged Jenny's mind a lot, because the work is so concrete in terms of dealing with people. However, studying for a BBA degree seemed like something that would map out my own future in the direction of where my own dreams had been set.
The best thing about my studies were the people around me and the diversity among them. In my starting group alone, there were people of many ages, from many places, many backgrounds, with varying goals and plans for the future. During my own studies, I found people around me for projects with whom my working methods and goals met. Another group of people were those with whom I went to student events and experienced the most visible side of student life for outsiders. Some were people who wanted to get more out of their studies than just a degree and were student activists, like myself. With them, ideas and sparring took place and the student activism was developed to serve all students better. There were also a few who became the ones to share life's joys and sorrows, difficult moments, but also successes. Those who will be the most important people in my own personal life for decades to come.
I think everyone has their own vision of what the best student life is like. With several people I have reminisced fondly about student life and what were the 'golden moments' of student life. There are many stories, but there are two things that unite each of these individual stories - the experiences and the people. Some people enjoy events and nightlife, others spend their time and interest in active participation, others want to dedicate their student life to studying and applying for a degree effectively. However, the best parts of each student's life have been the memorable experiences and the people involved - the best possible assessment of a project, the funny incidents during the event's checkpoint tour, the special moment of celebration for getting a particular position.
It is now well over a year since I officially graduated. The networks I built up during my studies have been useful during my time at university, but also during this past year. I have been part of projects where the people who have asked me to join have seen my skills complement their needs, I have received job references, tips on job opportunities, and I was honored to be godmother to a happy little child. Certainly, there is more to be gained from my own networks from my studies, as long as I know how to make the most of them.
If I had the opportunity to go back to my studies, I would be even bolder in getting involved in different events and projects. It was only towards the end of my studies that I realized the opportunities offered by higher education, which was a great shame. If I go back to studying, I would like to go on exchange, become active as soon as the opportunity arises and jump into different projects of my own choosing. I would also be more active in asking other LinkedIn contacts for contact details and getting to know people and their personalities and skills more deeply.
For a new student, I would give a tip to get involved in as many things that interest you as possible at the beginning of your studies. During the first few months, there is a lot of information and learning to be done, so a notebook and active participation will help a lot in the rest of your studies. Also, be brave and get to know people, ask questions if you miss something or are wondering about something, and share your dreams and goals out loud. There are so many routes to completing a degree and no one can read your mind, so by being brave you will become more aware of what your own time at studies could look like.
Juha-Pekka Tuominen
I am Juha-Pekka Tuominen, a business administration graduate from Turku University of Applied Sciences.
I started to study business administration in autumn 2021, because I wanted to give my career a boost and after researching different options, I felt that business administration was the most suitable option for me. My decision was based on a few years in marketing, which showed me that the field was both interesting and challenging enough for me to enjoy it.
At the start of my studies I was the oldest student in my class, but this did not affect my school or leisure time, as age differences are not as important in third level as they are in second level, for example. The best memories of my student days came from the sense of togetherness I witnessed in my class, my circle of friends and the board of the association Trade ry, where I spent two years. I could say that, on average, students have more contact with people of the same age and spirit during their studies than ever later in life. The memories experienced and the friendships made are as important to me as the lessons learned from my studies.
The networks I created during my studies have also been useful after graduation, as the active background I have on my CV sets me apart from many other jobseekers. For example, I got my current job partly thanks to this. In addition to my professional life, networking has helped me to keep better up to date with what is happening in our society.
In conclusion, I would say that I had the busiest but best years of my life so far while studying to become a Bachelor of Business Administration. I wouldn't change anything from that time, except maybe sewing a few more patches on my overalls (tutors will be happy to help with that).
I wish new students all the best. I can warmly recommend both tutoring and student association activities to anyone who is even slightly interested in the subject. It is also perfectly okay not to know at the beginning of your studies what you want from your future, things have a way of working out!