Student culture vol. 3: Student culture in Swedish


Hello, we are Handel och Service studerande förening (HanSe SF) and our association represents all the bachelors of business administration students at Arcada. Our association has been active from 1997 onwards and our primary function is to organise events for our students, sell coverall patches and to function as a community. When it comes to events we have many traditions and most of our events are organised around the same time period, including a sitz that is organized on the same date every year.

Some of our traditions include for example beer olympics, spyttsitz and XMAS bowl. They consist of a pentathlon, a sitz where the only food served is pyttipanna and a pub crawl where every bar's location is discovered with the help of clues. What separates us from other associations are our sitz. At one of our Sitz we eat a three course dinner with schnapps while singing a lot of songs, have competitions and sing each other up on the tables.

The high point for our student culture is our community. After a few years of active participation in the association you will have made lifelong memories and contacts for the future that include lifelong friendship.