Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about the political protest


On 19th January Akava’s Board of Directors decided to organize a political protest in the form of walkouts. The walkouts will be held on February 6, 2024 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.  in Turku, Tampere and the Helsinki Metropolitan Area (Espoo, Helsinki, Kauniainen and Vantaa). Professionals of Business and Technology (Tradenomit) is also taking part in the protest.

On this page you can find answers to the most frequent questions regarding the protest.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Industrial action decided upon by a union, where a walkout is a short-term exit from the workplace. Political industrial action can also be called a political demonstration or a strike. It is not directed against existing collective agreements or terms of employment.

Everyone has the right to express their opinion. Political protest is a constitutionally protected measure aimed at influencing societal decision-making. The protest can be directed, for example, against the decisions of the Government or Parliament. The walkout now being carried out is directed against the actions of the Finnish Government.

The walkouts concern the employed members of the abovementioned Akava affiliates in the public and private sectors in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area (Helsinki, Espoo, Kauniainen and Vantaa), Tampere and Turku and partly in other cities. The measure also concerns the student members of the Akava affiliates in the abovementioned cities.

The affiliates’ administrative bodies have made the organisatory decisions on participating in the political protest, protecting the employed members in the walkout cities from personal repercussions.

Ulosmarssi tarkoittaa, että työnteko lopetetaan 6.2.2024 klo 14–16 väliselle ajalle. Jos silloin ollaan työpaikalla, poistutaan sieltä. Etätöissä suljetaan työkone. Ulosmarssipaikkakunnilla on yhteisakavalaisia tapahtumia, jonne ulosmarssijat voivat kokoontua.

Lisää aiheesta

Tradenomit mukana Akavan mielenilmauksessa 6.2.

Muiden liittojen mielenilmaukset - kuinka toimin?

Tradenomien tiedote mielenilmaukseen osallistumisesta

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